Roast Veg & Halloumi Salad

By Director – Josh Ball ·  · 3 min read

Roast Veg & Halloumi Salad

@madsdietitian has turned our beloved rescued beetroot and pumpkin into a delicious and healthy Roast Veggie and Halloumi Salad!
Despite being rejected for not meeting the supermarkets’ unrealistic beauty standards, our rescued beetroots and pumpkins are filled with nutrients, antioxidants, and are just as tasty as their “perfect” counterparts.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Main or Side
Cuisine Salad
Servings 2 servings


  • rocket
  • couscous
  • roast beetroot
  • roast pumpkin
  • honey halloumi
  • avocado
  • honey walnuts


  • Roast beetroot and pumpkin at 200 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. For extra flavour drizzle honey over pumpkin.
  • Cook couscous as per packet instructions.
  • Fry walnuts and halloumi in honey in pan.
  • Mix all together and enjoy.
Keyword Easy, Healthy, Tasty

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HASSELBACK PUMPKINBy Director - Josh Ball · Last updated Friday, 24th May 2024 · 3 min readCheck out all of our posts!<< Back to blog

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